They are best at translating research to market

Affinity proteomics Antibody

This month, the online magazine writes about scientists who translates science from academia to the market. While there are a many academic entrepreneurial superstars in the US, points out that there are also some academic researchers in Europe that have been successful in taking their findings into the biotech industry and lists ten individuals in Europe who have been successful at co-founding biotech companies.

Out of these ten persons, no less than three have connections to Sweden. Emanuelle Charpentier, co-discoverer of CRISPR, did some of her findings at Umeå University...Read more

Cell Image of the Month – MCM6

Cell Atlas Image of the week Immunofluorescence Lactase

In 2017, February 28th will be the day that in Sweden is known as "Fettisdagen", (lit. "Fat Tuesday"), in other countries known as "Mardi Gras", "Faschingsdienstag" or "Shrove Tuesday". This day was originally celebrated in the Christian tradition as the last day of a three day feast to prepare for the forty day long fasting period before Easter. Today it has been popularized and in many places around the world this day is now known for its carnivals.

In Sweden together with some other northern European countries we like to eat "semlor" on Fat Tuesday...Read more

Structural epitope mapping for precision medicine

Epitope mapping

Anna-Luisa Volk, PhD student and first author of the study

The term precision medicine describes the idea of providing effective treatment based on a patient´s molecular make up.

Eculizumab is used to treat patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). However, eculizumab is a very expensive drug, and the treatment is not efficient for all patients...Read more

Tissue Image of the Month - Hairs and follicles

Follicles Hair Image of the week Tissue Atlas

A hair and hair follicle stained with H&E showing the different layers: a) external root sheath, b) internal root sheath, c) cuticle layer, d) medulla and e) cortex.

Hello everyone!

Tissue Atlas group is pleased to announce the launch of the Tissue Image of the Month. Previously, you have had the joy of experiencing interesting images of cellular organelles and proteins described by the Cell Atlas. Now we also hope that you will follow the blog posts and pictures of stained tissues with the same excitement and curiosity, as we dive into the world of histology, immunohistochemistry, cells and tissues.

First up - hairs and hair follicles.

Hair fibers consist of cells called trichocytes. The fibers vary in size, disposition and color due to factors such as age, sex, ethnicity and region of the body...Read more

Transcriptomics data from FANTOM program

RNA RNA-seq Transcriptome Transcriptomics

Overview of the tissues and organs analysed by HPA, FANTOM and GTEx

In the latest version of the Human Protein Atlas, released in December 2016, the tissue atlas data is complemented with RNA-data from The Functional Annotation of Mammalian Genomes 5 (FANTOM5) project in RIKEN, Japan. The FANTOM data greatly overlaps with the Human Protein Atlas data, strengthening the results from both the projects.

The human genome consists of DNA which is transcribed into functional protein-coding transcripts (mRNA) and in turn is translated into proteins, the functional building-blocks of the cell. The entirety of mRNA molecules in a cell or tissue is called the "transcriptome"...Read more

Meet the site director

Antibody Human Protein Atlas Secretome

Hanna Tegel

Today we meet Hanna Tegel, site director at the AlbaNova site of the Human Protein Atlas, and group leader of the Antigen and Antibody Factory group. She has been with the Human Protein Atlas from the very beginning, and her career has evolved alongside the project.

– I took my M.Sc. in biotechnology at KTH – the Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm, and in the end of my education I complemented it with some physiology at the Karolinska Institute. As a part of this course I did a project at KTH, and when it was time for me to do my masters thesis I turned to the same professor. Now he was involved in the start-up of the Human Protein Atlas project...Read more

Blog archive

2017 (57)
2016 (76)
2015 (13)