Wellness profiling for early detection of disease

Affinity proteomics Biobank profiling Biomarkers

During the Precision Medicine World Conference in Silicon Valley on January 23-25, Mathias Uhlen, leader of the Human Protein Atlas will give a talk about the recently initiated SCAPIS – SciLifeLab Wellness Profiling project.

The Precision Medicine World Conference is a conference series that attracts recognized leaders, top global researchers and medical professionals, and innovators across healthcare and biotechnology sectors to showcase practical content that helps close the knowledge gap between different sectors, thereby catalyzing cross-functional fertilization and collaboration.

During the session Learnings from Precision Medicine Centers, challenges, solutions, observations and best practices that precision medicine centers encounter will be discussed, and here Mathias Uhlen will present the SCAPIS SciLifeLab Wellness Profiling project.

The primary goal of the SCAPIS – SciLifeLab Wellness Profiling study is to develop a system for early detection of disease using continuous monitoring of critical biological parameters. To achieve this, healthy volunteers from SCAPIS (Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study with 30 000 individuals at the age of 50-64 undergoing a thorough health examination including imaging of the heart, blood vessels and lungs with the aim to improve early diagnosis of cardiovascular and lung disease) are followed longitudinally after their baseline examination with frequent, repeated analyses of molecular markers in blood, urine and stool in combination with physical measurements and continuous monitoring of biological signals like sleep and activity.

In an ongoing pilot study, the research team coordinated by Dr Ina Schuppe Koistinen are developing the SCAPIS Wellness Profiling biobank and exploring bioinformatics approaches for systems biology data integration. Proteomics (affinity proteomics, PEA, QPrEST), immunology (CyTOF), genetic (whole genome sequencing, RNA sequencing), metabolomics (plasma/urine) and microbiome analyses (16s RNA and metagenomics) are used to study the normal variation of molecular profiles in healthy individuals over time with the goal to allow precision medicine approaches to profile wellness and support individuals to maintain health.

Frida Henningson Johnson

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