Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Cancer Immunohistochemistry Life Science Ovarian cancer awareness Pathology Atlas Plasma Profilling TCGA tissue

Figure 1. Immunohistochemical staining of EPCAM using antibody CAB055098 shows differential expression, both high (left panel) and low (right panel) in samples from ovarian cancer patients.

In this week's Pathology Atlas blog post, we highlight genes with prognostic association to ovarian cancer , as September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in the US. Ovarian cancer is the fifth most frequent cause of cancer death in women, and 50% of all ovarian cancers are diagnosed in women older than 65 years of age.

Epithelial ovarian carcinoma is one of the most common gynecologic malignancy. There are five subtypes of epithelial ovarian carcinoma, of which high-grade serous carcinoma is the most common...Read more

Awareness for prostate cancer

European Prostate Cancer Awareness Day Immunohistochemistry Life Science Pathology Atlas Prostate cancer Prostate Cancer Awareness Month TCGA tissue

Figure 1. Immunohistochemical staining of ODF2 using antibody HPA001874 shows differential expression in samples from prostate cancer patients.

As part of the release of the Pathology Atlas, the Human Protein Atlas Blog presents brief and informative summaries of most cancers, and highlight genes with prognostic association in the different cancer forms. The Pathology Atlas is an open access database which includes quantitative transcriptomics data and spatial proteomics data of the major human cancer types that have been analyzed using a systems level approach.

We focus on prostate cancer in this week's blog post to highlight Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in North America and the European Prostate Cancer Awareness Day on the 27th of September...Read more

Mathias Uhlen honored with the Swedish Research Award 2017

Elixir Human Protein Atlas Life Science Precision medicin Precision medicine

Research!Sweden foundation

The Swedish Research Award 2017 has been awarded to Professor Mathias Uhlen by the foundation Research!Sweden. On the September 25th Mathias Uhlen will receive the award for research accomplishments regarding mapping of human proteins within the Human Protein Atlas. The mission of the Research!Sweden foundation is to raise awareness regarding the importance of medical research - for health and prosperity by honoring every year one researcher or politician with the award.

Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd general secretary of Research!Sweden motivates the nomination "Mathias Uhlén's research is extremely valuable both for today and future precision medicine...Read more

Invited lecture at the 29th European Congress of Pathology

Conference Diagnostics Human Protein Atlas Life Science Pathology Pathology Atlas

This weekend Amsterdam is hosting the 29th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2017). Fredrik Ponten, Co-Founder and Clinical Director of the Human Protein Atlas program, will present a lecture on September 3 entitled "Tissue-based map of the human proteome as tool for pathology". The focus of this year´s European congress will be "Pathology for Patient Care" highlighting the added value of the pathology science and discipline in providing care and improving health outcomes for patients and population. The congress is expected to provide updates on all aspects of diagnostic and molecular pathology...Read more

Epitope mapping and development of therapeutic antibodies

Affinity proteomics Antibody Antibody Microarray cells Epitope mapping Human Protein Atlas Life Science

Johan Rockberg

Within the Human Protein Atlas project, antibodies are used to study the localization of protein in human tissues and cells. To generate the antibodies recombinant expression clones are produced from human RNA pools by cDNA synthesis, cloning and plasmid purification. These clones produce what is called Protein Epitope Signature Tags (PrESTs), a selected part of the target protein that should be recognized by antibodies.

Johan Rockberg, Associate Professor in antibody technology and directed evolution at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden is the group leader for the epitope mapping and therapeutic antibodies group within the Human Protein Atlas...Read more

New investment in Life Science research

AstraZeneca Life Science Wallenberg WCPR

Great news for Life Science researchers in Sweden and the new Wallenberg Center for Protein Research (WCPR).

AstraZeneca and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation support a new center for protein research, the Wallenberg Center for Protein Research (WCPR). Three of Swedens top Universities, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University, and Chalmers Technical Univeristy, will work together to improve human health by developing new biological molecules, antibodies and peptides...Read more

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